Sunday, December 21, 2008


Throughout my pregnancy they kept seeing slight abnormality but when they would try to test for something it all would come out fine, I kept thinking they were crazy but actually my doctor was quite worried and trying to night stress me out Christopher was having reduced arterial cord function? not sure exactly something wrong with my placenta but they couldn't figure out exactly what was going on.. blah anyway due to them not knowing they let me try the natural thing till i started blowing up like a blimp then I was told c section or epidural I feel pretty bad about not being able to give my already small baby a natural birth but at least i managed to vaginally.. I'm holding onto that as an accomplishment.

Motherhood is amazing I love my little baby so much he is growing and changing and its so .. lol amazing to watch. Nursing is going well, rough start but we are still milkin along. I really hope that I will be able to do this Formula may be the path for some but I hope I can make it the whole year nursing Christopher, Recently we started expressing and andy has fed him a few bottles now. It takes along time to feed him a bottle he doesnt really like it but I'll try to get andy to write on that later :)

Anyway I'm getting the freedom of a bottle baby with the lovely closeness of nursing .. I may not have been strong enough to do a natural delivery but I'm hoping I can at least do this for him.


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